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Types of Hallucinations

If you’re like most people, you likely believe that hallucinations involve seeing things that aren’t actually there. But it goes much deeper than that. It might imply that you touched or even smelled something that isn’t there.

There are numerous causes. Schizophrenia is a mental illness that affects the nervous system, Parkinson’s disease affects the nervous system, and epilepsy affects the nervous system, among other things.

A hallucination is a fictitious perception of something or something happening that involves any of your senses: sight, sound, smell, touch, or taste. Despite appearing genuine, hallucinations are not real. Hallucinations are brought on by abnormal or chemically reactive brain activity.

Although hallucinations are frequently a sign of a psychosis-related disorder, especially schizophrenia, they can also be brought on by drug use, certain temporary conditions, neurological issues, and neurological conditions. Without or with the knowledge that what they are experiencing isn’t real, a person can have hallucinations. An indication of psychosis is when someone believes their hallucination to be real.           


  • Symptoms of hallucinations can vary depending on the type, including:
  • Experiencing bodily sensations
  • Detecting sounds Voices heard
  • Observing entities, things, patterns, or lights
  • Smelling something
  • Taking a taste

Types of Hallucinations

There are many different types of hallucinations, some involving audible voices and others involving fictitious tastes or smells. Although hallucinations are a common sign of schizophrenia, they can also be brought on by excessive drug or alcohol use, a fever, a recent loss, depression, or dementia.

The following is a list of some of the various types of hallucinations that can occur:

  • Auditory Hallucination

The auditory variety of hallucinations is among the most prevalent. You might hear someone addressing you or giving you instructions. The voice could be irritated, unflappable, or friendly.

Hearing sounds, such as someone walking in the apartment or roof, or recurrent clicking or tapping noises are additional examples of this kind of hallucination.

  • Visual hallucination

Visual hallucinations involve the perception of unreal objects. The hallucinations may take the form of objects, patterns in the surrounding environment, people, or lights.

You might observe a person who isn’t present in the space, for instance, or flashing lights that nobody else can see.

  • Olfactory hallucination

Smelling unreal odours is a part of these hallucinations. Typically, the odours are unpleasant, such as those from rotting flesh, vomit, urine, or feces. This condition, also known as phantosmia, can be brought on by neurological harm to the olfactory system. A virus, trauma, brain tumor, exposure to toxic substances, or drug use are just a few of the possible causes of the damage. Epilepsy may also contribute to Phantosmia.

  • Gustatory hallucinations

Gustatory hallucinations are equivalent to olfactory hallucinations, but those who involve your taste sense rather than smell.

These tastes are frequently strange or unpleasant. Gustatory hallucinations, frequently with a metallic flavor, are a fairly typical epilepsy symptom.

  • Tactile hallucinations

When someone perceives they are being touched when they are not, this is referred to. The experience of bugs crawling over the skin is one of the most prevalent complaints. This is connected to drug abuse, especially with substances like cocaine or amphetamine.

  • Somatic hallucination in general

This is when a person feels as though their body has been severely harmed, such as by mutilation or disembowelment. Animals trying to enter patients’ bodies, such as snakes crawling into their stomachs, have also been described by patients.

A psychiatrist should be consulted if you experience hallucinations or have trouble distinguishing between reality and fantasy. The most popular platform on TalktoAngel that can result in hallucinations may quickly turn into emergencies. It is not advisable to leave a person having hallucinations alone.

People who experience hallucinations should discuss them with their family and medical staff. If treated, hallucinations can be controlled, but left untreated; they can become disturbing or even dangerous. No matter how minor or strange you may think a symptom is, talk about it with your doctor. Being around and communicating with someone you can trust is important because hallucinations can make you feel anxious, paranoid, and scared. A therapist should be consulted as soon as possible if you or someone you know is having hallucinations and appears to be disconnected from reality.

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